I will catch up....promise!!
Ok HOLY COW WOWZA I have not posted anything on here since Sept. 19th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm a bad blogger. I'm sorry :( It's so much easier and quicker to upload pictures directly to Facebook and it's that wonderful time of year when I only have a total of an hour free during the day. So I am SUPER SORRY to those of you who follow my blog.
I've also been working on a new blog, so that's been taking up a lot of my time as well. The new blog will rock, trust me on this. Much better, much brighter and much more oranized than this blog.
So, how about I just shut up now and get to posting??? K? K!
And, of course, I never like posting without a photo, so here's a picture of the gorgeous fall colors that it seems only stayed around for about two weeks this year :(