Even monsoon season won't stop us!


For a solid month, it seemed like it rained every darn day. And I'm not talking just sprinkles here and there. I'm talking downpours. For days. And downpours for days = a very upset and frustrated photographer. No joke, I had to postpone 9 photo shoots in late April, early May because of the rain.

Frustration aside, I honestly like rainy days. Not for days straight, but maybe once or twice a week is fine with me. Something about a rainy day completely calms my senses and puts me at ease. It's very relaxing. Maybe it's because, unlike nicer days, I don't feel obligated to rush off and do 50 million things in one day. I can take my time, lounge in my PJ's all day and not feel guilty about it one bit.

The Hoven family obviously doesn't mind rainy days either. On the day of their shoot it rained, of course. And even up until 1/2 hour before their session, it was pouring. So you could imagine my excitement when I called her (expecting her to want to reschedule) and she didn't. Game on!!

We took shelter in a barn in Buchanan for the first half of their shoot and luckily, during the second half, it stopped and we were able to venture off to a few places around Buchanan.









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