Bubba and Rachael - Married!


I'm so glad these two tied the knot!! They both deserve a long, healthy, fun life together! I mean, heck, were together for YEARS, so it was about dang time ;)

I've known Rachael for quite a few years now, thanks to her "little Caleb," and my mom babysitting him when he was younger. Growing up in a daycare was a crazy task, let me tell ya! I went from being an only child, to having a handful of kids in our household 5 days a week. It was nuts!!! But, in the end, II made several lifelong friends that I still keep in touch with to this day! And for that, I am thankful!

Congratulations, Bubba and Rachael!! Enjoy your new


The gorgeous bride :) 

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Caleb is growing up TOO fast!!!!


One of my favorites from the day! 

...And another favorite!!

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