Michael & Ashlee E Session

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Before I get to the actual engagement photos, I wanted to show the "beforehand" pictures of when Michael and Ashlee announced to the family they were going to tie the knot. 

It was Thanksgiving, 2012. I probably forgot to mention that Michael is my cousin, so naturally I would be with the fam on the holiday. Ashlee called me about two weeks prior, giving me the wonderful news and asked me to KEEP IT QUIET! Although it was a hard task, I did it, because I knew she wanted to surprise the family on Thanksgiving Day. 

After dinner, I advised everyone I wanted to get a quick family picture outdoors. Of course, I got the "ohhhh noooo's" and "please don'ts," as I usually do. It's not always easy being the photographer of the family. I think they get sick of seeing me with the camera so much! BUT, I assured them it would be a quick, and painless task, so outdoors we went. 

I very quickly just had them stand together and told them I didn't need any fancy posing. After everyone was in place, I shouted...."Ashlee has something to say....." 

"WE'RE ENGAGED!!" She shouted (as you can tell, some of my family members did not get the announcement and were still looking at me for a photo....)

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Then, a few more caught on...

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Anddddddd, now they had everyone's attention! 

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Proud Grandma right there :) 

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Couldn't pass up a few photo opts...

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And now for Part 1 of the official E-Session....Part 2 will be coming this summer! 
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Later in the year, we met back up for round 2 of their session. I love being able to offer two separate sessions in two different seasons. Variety is the key! 

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